Overcoming Immorality, Pornography, and Lust – Part XXXV – In Prison

September 12


“Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.’”  (John 8:31-32)


We receive in our home newsletters from one of the mission organizations we sometimes support that ministers specifically to the persecuted church around the world.  In a recent letter, the following account was shared of a North Korean Christian woman named Hae-Woo who was imprisoned for her faith:


“Every day had the same terrible, monotonous rhythm.  At five o’clock we were woken up and the prisoners were counted.  After a meager breakfast of two or three spoonfuls of rice, we were marched out to work in the fields.  At midday we were again given a few mouthfuls of food, and returned to work in the fields.  In the evenings, after a few more bites of food, we were given ideological training.  This was the most difficult part.  Our eyes fell shut from exhaustion, be we had to pay attention, otherwise we were punished.  After another roll call at ten o’clock, we were finally allowed to go to sleep on a cold floor, in a cell we shared with rats and lice.  Sickness and death were a part of our daily life.  Despite everything, I was never angry with God.  He helped me to survive and ensured that nothing got the better of me.”


Some of us commit sins if immorality, view pornography, and indulge in lusts because we are rebellious and crave evil things.  We are spoiled brats who want to indulge the pleasures of the flesh and reject the peaceful provision of God.  But others among us commit these sins because their souls are in torment.  They feel trapped and alone.  Emotional pain of regret or hopelessness or rejection or shame or depression or loneliness or countless other oppressive feelings pierces their hearts day after day.  They are in an emotional prison.  They see no way out, and they stumble into immorality and pornography as a way of escape, a way to dull and forget the pain for a few moments, like a drug.


To those who feel this way and turn to pornography as an escape from emotional prison and torture, to you I would recommend thinking about Hae-Woo.  Will you give in to your tormentors and drink the poison they left in the cell with you?  Will you give in to their lies and turn your back on the Savior Who alone cares for you?  Will you act out against God in your pain, like the proverbial fool who cut off his nose to spite his face?  Will you be fooled by those forces of darkness who hate you and have imprisoned you and embrace the temptations they put before you, to further make you stumble and subject your mind and will to them?


Or will you trust God to sustain you and provide for you in that place of darkness?  Will you trust yourself to the One who cares dearly for you, more than you care for yourself, and Who will at some point in the future lead you victoriously out of your prison if you keep yourself from evil?  Will you turn to God and trust Him with your pain, or will you turn to demons to make it worse?


Dear Christian, God will not leave you alone in your prison but will come to you and in His time He will rescue you.  You are in a position to enjoy Him, His direct presence, leading, and comfort, like few people outside prison enjoy.  But not when you turn to immorality, pornography, lust, drugs, alcohol, and other “pain killers.”  These things will only make your situation worse, much worse, and the relief, if any at all, is fleeting.  Getting a good night’s rest is far more freeing than any of these false escapes.  Spend time with God and His word if you wish to be free from your emotional prison.  Purpose to entrust God with your pain, not demons, and turn from evil temptations and things that grieve and dishonor the One Who knows your pain and deeply loves and cares for you.

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