February 15
“I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart” Psalm 101:2b
Integrity is a crucial quality in every Christian. Part of drawing near to the Lord, I believe, is making certain that there is no hypocrisy in us whatsoever, that we are clean and blameless in God’s sight in every word out of our mouths and every thought and intention of the heart. We must be the same people in secret that we present to others in public. We must endeavor to walk before the Lord as if every thought and motive of the heart were on display and obvious to others, and every act and thing we do in secret is broadcast on the movie screen with millions watching our every move. If we are blameless to that degree, we are blameless indeed.
Integrity is cleaning house to such a degree that you no longer have any “dirty laundry” to be ashamed of.
Integrity is allowing others open access to your secret fantasies, and being blameless.
Integrity is not being able to be accused of saying one thing and doing another; not even a hint of hypocrisy; total consistency.
Integrity is not being ashamed or embarrassing yourself, the Lord, or anyone else if everything you did and said in private became known.
Integrity is having an honest and pure heart, loving the Lord and others fully.
Integrity is being blameless when your life is tested by scripture.
Other similar concepts in the scripture are holiness, purity of heart, sanctification, godliness, righteousness, being blameless, pleasing the Lord, and walking worthy of the Lord, among others.
How much have you valued integrity? Have you put it in the high place it deserves? Have you cherished it and guarded it like a treasure? Have you pursued it as much or more than you would pursue health and wealth and earthly pleasures? Would others, especially those closest to you, say of you that you are a person they highly respect because of your integrity?
Tomorrow we will look at what others have to say about integrity.